A truly fine piece of Flash development
Well done Ben, a really great game. Fantastic production values and really well paced. The difficulty progression is really good and I think the Free version that you've uploaded is in itself much bigger and better than most of the games you see here.
Should people buy the full version? Well it's up to them really, no one is forcing anyone to do anything here.
Should game developers charge for games? I think more Flash game developers should charge, because then we'd see more money going into the industry and we'd see game developers earning a living rather than scrabbling around trying to make ends meet and the production values would get even better.
I really don't understand some people. They have no problem buying a DVD that they buy once and no problem overpaying for rubbish pizza, but they don't want to get their wallet out and help a game developer who is providing them with hours of entertainment (I really I mean days for this game) for only $20.
Anyway, rant over!.
Great work Ben and you deserve the kind comments you are receiving.